tisdag 15 juni 2010

Davoser girl

Finally here, and also soon feeling comfortable in our new home (at least for 8 months) town. It might not be the cutest and cosiest alpine village but we've certain got the alp feeling already with marmot observaton, raclette dinner, lots and lots of new plant species and the mandatory tons of Swiss administrative paper work.

We stay the first two weeks in the Hollender house, but i'm thankful that we'll move to SLF soon. This house is a mixture between a tuberculosis clinique, fancy but oh so old hotel, skibums place and gangstahouse. A real ghost house so to speak.

SLF and all its staff seems really nice. We will certainly have an interesting time here! I may be blogging somewhat now and then but always short since i write with one hand only. Haveto convince Anders to guest blog!

Some pics on flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/48420022@N08/sets/72157624282908950/

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